
Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Occupants of the Empty House April 13, 2012

Once again the Occupants gathered at Alongi’s in DuQuoin for dining and Sherlockian camaraderie. The theme of tonight’s meeting encompassed The Final Problem, the Hiatus and The Empty House.  So many adventures to cover and so little time.  This was the Occupants 35th anniversary meeting and the evening was filled with toasts, recollections and a celebration of 35 years of Sherlockian camaraderie.

Tonight was a very special event.  I provided the toast to The Woman, Irene Adler.  Ms. Adler is one of my favorite women as she hails from my home state of New Jersey.  Might be the Jersey Girl the Boss sings about, although he would be no match for Irene Adler. I thoroughly enjoyed taking a more active role in the meeting. 

Tonight’s paper, which focused on the reasons behind Holmes’ disappearance, was outstanding.  I should know, I wrote it!  (For those of you who don’t know me, that’s just my sense of humor.) And, I am an especially tough critic. So if you are a reader of the Camden House Journal and were not able to make it to the meeting of The Occupants of the Empty House, you have quite a treat coming in the mail.  What made the evening most enjoyable you ask?  Very simply, the Occupants are a wonderful and appreciative audience.  I’m looking forward to my next paper for the Occupants.

The Occupants made a donation to Heifer International this month.  The funds collected will be donated towards the purchase of honeybees. Of course, there has to be a Sherlockian Collection.  I recommend you check out the Heifer International web site.  Another worthy cause supported by The Occupants of the Empty House.

Once again, I invite anyone with an interest in Sherlock Holmes to join us in DuQuoin for a meeting of The Occupants of the Empty House.  As we say, the door is always open.

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