
Friday, January 11, 2013

I really wanted to like it. . . .but

The premise was good, and the promise also.
'A last conversation between Holmes and Watson about life together and all they shared.'

After the first few pages I was hoping the book would end quickly.
To much back and forth about mistreatment's and behaviors, habits and contradictions, only to be dismissed with an, "Sorry I treated you that way, but I do respect you in the end." or "After all these years I forgive you, but why did you treat me like that."

You could tell that the book was about making amends and saying things that should have been said long before. And I don't think these two men would have left it this long.

Where the book should have shown brevity it didn't and where it shouldn't it did. 
Mr Ruffle fell into the same trap many do trying to write Doyle, who could say so much with so few words;  trying to out Doyle, Doyle.

Mr. Ruffle was trying to make a mystery about the individuals involved in the conversation, but for me it did not work. And until the very end, the minor characters, and their story,  were pointless.

The book did get better about two thirds of the way in, but never reached what it could have.
The ending did show a great deal of sensitivity, but to much was left for the reader to decide, and since he left no such ambiguity about his conclusions else where in the book, it did not work for me at the end.

Rarely do I wish that I had not gotten a hard copy of a Sherlock Holmes book for my collection, but I am glad I just got this in the  kindle one.

David Ruffle is a talented writer, and you can tell he loves his subject and has respect for the material.

I will read another of his books, hoping for better, but again, will buy it in Kindle.

I give the book; 

, because of the respect Mr Ruffle shows in his writing for Holmes and Watson.

Give me Holmes in the Sussex Downs and Watson coming to visit.

Just my opinion.

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