
Monday, June 10, 2013

Say it won't be true!

Sir Roger Moore


  1. As we've had one past Sherlock Holmes on "Sherlock", why not another? In fact, Moffat and Gatiss should try to have all the living Holmeses on "Sherlock". And Watsons, too! I watched "Sherlock Holmes in New York" when it was first broadcast and thought it was awful. On Holmes' birthday weekend this year I viewed it again on YouTube. It's still awful, but it is eminently re-watchable. There are things about the production I liked; no, not Sir Roger's performance; I remember an interview at the time with him where he called Holmes "Sherley" because he couldn't take the character seriously. And there is the problem with his performance. However, a cameo (Freeman's dotty old uncle?) on "Sherlock" would be most welcome.

    1. I am going to show my lack of paying attention during 'Sherlock", who was the past Holmes to visit the show?

  2. When John visits the Diogenes Club and starts talking, the upset member who rings the bell (white hair and white goatee) is Douglas Wilmer. I have yet to see his BBC Holmes portrayal, but in every scene he appears in in "Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother" he owns that movie.

    1. You are right , forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder.
