
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How interesting. . .

While trolling google for info on our scion society I came across a re-post of one of our photos with Brett way back in the early 1990's

Jeremy Brett forum

Jeremy became very fond of the young boy by his side and they corresponded for many years.

His father was one of the leaders of the Chester Baskerville Society and editor of the Devonshire Chronicle.

(Oct. 19, 1991 thanks M.M.)


  1. The young man in the photo is Michael W. McClure II from Chester, Illinois. The photo was taken on October 19, 1991 at Brett's stop in St. Louis during his tour of the US. Michael has grown considerably since then and is now a Math Professor in Illinois. Would Jeremy "Holmes" approve of young Michael's proclivity toward James Moriarty's profession? It is great to see the other "youngsters" in the right side of the picture.

    1. Well, you might consider the "youngsters" are located in the LEFT side of the photo ........ considering the perspective of the viewer :) Thanks for re-posting the picture, John!

    2. Long time no see - Good to hear from you Michael, and thanks for the update on young Michael.
      and I didn't post his name because I don't post names without permission.

  2. I respect the way you cleverly danced around his name, but now at age 30 ( !!!!!!!!!! ) he is relatively safe. Now that MATH business ....... that's another matter .

    1. Like me, I am sure you have not changed much,. . . right?

    2. A lot less on the top and a bit more around the middle, with the aches and pains of someone twice my age ....... but still 18 years old between the ears! I'm sure you've aged much more gracefully!

    3. If anything, I remain a little less mature between the ears.
