
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Seven Degrees of Sherlock Holmes - #29 - The Watson's - Robert Duvall

I came to Robert Duvall as Watson and the film The Seven Percent Solution pretty late in my Sherlockain discoveries. For many years I didn't like the fact that it seened to be playing up on Sherlock's drug habit.
But I was lucky enough to attend Gillette to Brett III with Nicholas Meyer attending, and a showing of his film, and fell in love with it. And Robert Duvall did an outstanding job.

So, again, to celebrate the Watson's, we are doing Robert Duvall this week. We are, again, going to see if we can make a connection from the actor to Holmes along a path that does not include his roll as Watson.

Robert Duvall as had such a prolific career that I think there would be several paths to Holmes for him.
So I started in his early career.

Robert Duvall (seen here as Watson) - (1931)

took part in the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird 

which also featured Frank Overton (1918-1967)

who also took part in 1964's Fail Safe 

which featured a young Larry Hagman (1931-2012)

who played Sherlock Holmes in 1976's The Return of the World's Greatest Detective

So there you have it, there you are.


  1. "Fail Safe" also starred Fritz Weaver who was Sherlock Holmes in "Baker Street the Musical". For an interview with Mr. Weaver on "Baker Street", listen to I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere Episode 26: A Musical Stroll Down Baker Street.

    1. Ha! That's even better.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. One of mine, too. I've listened to it maybe twenty times. No exaggeration. I listened to it again Sunday night. I hope, per Episode 58, IHOSE can get Christopher Lee.

    4. I will check out the pod cast.
