
Friday, April 24, 2015

We'll just have to see, won't we?

Ian McKellen Proves He's The Ultimate Sherlock In 'Mr. Holmes' Trailer

Sherlock Holmes' backstory is anything but elementary.
Move over Benedict Cumberbatch, because Ian McKellen just became our new favorite Sherlock Holmes. In the trailer for the highly anticipated film Mr. Holmes, we see McKellen as the famous detective who had retired many years ago. Although his final case had prompted him to give up his born profession, Holmes must revisit the unsolved mystery one last time to properly tell his story.
As the film explains, it's finally time to meet the man behind the myth—and we couldn't be more excited. We are sure the experience will be an extremely emotional treat. 
Don't get us wrong, we still love Cumberbatch. However, we can't wait to see this darker version of our favorite detective that McKellen is about to deliver.  
Mr. Holmes comes to theaters this summer.  


  1. I have to say that trailer made me what to see "Mr. Holmes" for the first time. I've been ambivalent up to now about whether or not I would go to see it in the theaters. I also thought in a lot of the scenes, McKellen looked quite a bit like John Gielgud. Maybe they could "Forrest Gump" Dudley Moore in as Watson for an "Arthur"/1978 "Hound of the Baskervilles" vibe to lighten up "this darker version".

    1. I enjoyed the book. So I guess I am looking forward to the movie.
      It is however a shame we are not getting any 'remakes' of the original stories.

    2. You have my admiration for reading the book. After years of reading bad pastiches and reimagings of the immortal pair, it takes a lot of effort to pick up any Sherlock Holmes without Arthur Conan Doyle on the spine. (That should tell you that I still find Holmesian worth in "Elementary" after three season means the showrunners and actors are doing something right, IMLTHO.)

  2. Powerful trailer for sure. But, how can any body mention that crappy "Elementary" show in the breath? Oophs, I just did too didn't I? :-)
