
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Seven Degrees of Sherlock Holmes #62 - Yvonne Craig - Yea, I had a crush on her as Batgirl.

Former Batgirl, Yvonne Craig (1937-2015) is however only two degrees away from a Sherlockian connection.

In 1969 she co-starred in an episode of the original series Star Trek, 'Whom Gods Destroy'.
And we have prevouisly made Sherlockian connections with both William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.

She also shared the screen, twice, with Elvis Presley.


  1. And don't forget Alan "Alfred the Butler" Napier played Sherlock Holmes on TV in 1949 in "The Speckled Band", available on YouTube, so I understand. With so many connections, it's a wonder Craig didn't play Holmes herself.
