
Monday, October 3, 2016

'Sherlock Holmes and the Cryptic Clues', New book offers quite the howl this Halloween! By Michael McClure

Sherlock Holmes and the Cryptic Clues

By Michael W. McClure

From the publisher;

THE FINAL WORD in Sherlockian scholarship, this book takes you on a tour of the resting places of over 300 creations that were brought to life by that master storyteller, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Each Canonical cemetery represents a different adventure of the master detective, Sherlock Holmes. The illustrated tombstones found in the graveyards offer epitaphs that reveal the honoree's ultimate demise or particular plot in life. Whether funny, punny, poignant, or just plain awkward, the engravings represent the plights of hundreds of Canonical characters taken from all sixty stories. Every member of the elite Baker Street Irregulars and the nonpareil Adventuresses Of Sherlock Holmes is listed after the tale from which their Investiture was taken. Hundreds of detailed illustrations and humorous cartoons reveal that A.C. Doyle’s creations must have died laughing! Beware ... deathly prose doth lie within !

Having spent quite a bit of time with Michael at Sherlockian and other events and really appreciating his humor, I am really looking forward to this book and intend to get him to sign it very soon.
I always have a great time at his meetings and look forward to them every chance I get. We also share a love of Scotland which never hurts.

While I have yet to view the book (it was only announced today) I will give my thoughts on it as soon as I get it.
Get a copy and put one in your Halloween stocking!

Get a copy here!

Love the cover Michael!


  1. Thank you for the post and kind words, John. I should mention that I did not illustrate my own book .... very talented artists brought my humor to visual life. Their illustrations are what give value to the volume ;)

  2. The current IHOSE Episode 122 has a nice review of my book at the 59:06 mark... but don't let that stop you from listening ;) The discussion is dedicated to the Rathbone and Bruce series, and it is sure to delight fans of all ages. The podcast can be experienced at
