The next meeting of the Harpooners of the Sea Unicorn, whether it be an attended meeting at our local meeting place or another online, the discussion will be about THOR.
I just reread the story and found it to be one of my favorites, again.
Much has been discussed over the years about THOR, including the condition that caused the victim to kill herself.
The line that jumped out at me in this reading was;
"I produced it from my hip-pocket, a short, handy, but very serviceable little weapon. "
Much discussion has been centered around the weapon or weapons Holmes and Watson may have carried, starting with the very first story when Watson said; '"I keep a bull pup."
Many agree that Watson probably also had a service revolver from his military days which probably would have been larger than the 'bull pup', (if you believe he meant a gun by that statement) and probably, in my opinion, not the one carried in THOR.
Below are a couple of links of other people thoughts on weapons in the Canon. Enjoy.
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